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Sunday, August 20, 2017

Four Confederate monuments are removed in Baltimore 8-17-17

Confederate monuments were torn down in Baltimore overnight just days after white nationalists led a deadly protest over the planned removal of a statue in Virginia.

Work crews used heavy machinery to haul the divisive monuments away on flatbed trucks in the early hours of Wednesday morning.

The monument to Robert E. Lee, commander of the pro-slavery Confederate army in the American Civil War, and Confederate general Stonewall Jackson was dismantled from the city's Wyman Park Dell, while a statue dedicated to the Confederate Women of Maryland was removed around 3am from Bishop Square Park.

The monument in Mount Vernon honoring Roger Taney, who wrote the 1857 Dred Scott decision that upheld slavery, was also removed. Another statue for Confederate soldiers and sailors, which was vandalized with red paint at the weekend, was also gone by Wednesday morning.



Anonymous said...

I think they should put up a statue depicting the thugs standing on a Baltimore City police car after they tore it to pieces.

Anonymous said...

Mark my words: this will make race relations much worse, as it's giving the new-nazis more ammo.
I'm not even alt-right and it's pissing me off.
Most blacks have never noticed these monuments and don't give a damn. Like the Redskins's a mountain out of a molehill. Shame on our elected leaders who feel the need to erase southern history by eradicating the monuments of important historical figures.
When is it going to stop?!?!?

Anonymous said...

NAACP wants the bronze sold as scrap and the money given to Black youth community organizations.

Anonymous said...

Didnt Washington own slaves? So lets tear those down

Sheeple said...

And just like one is talking about Russia anymore.

Anonymous said...

George Washington owned slaves. Better take down that big 'ol Washington monument. Better rename DC, too. I suggest Barrackistan. Perhaps Obamagrad.

OutaDa'bury said...

Eradicate history. Good idea. Let's get rid of black history month while we're at it.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

10:08 They are only doing it becasue they are up to something else, and want you looking over this way versus that way... Smoke and mirrors...

Anonymous said...

I'm offended by the Grand Canyon. We must fill it in! And by the way, the moon offends me too.

Anonymous said...

That's what Obama Clinton's want is a race war and there gonna loose big time.

Anonymous said...

WHEN are Republicans going to start taking down there statues ?

Anonymous said...

In all seriousness, I fear we are heading for a civil war. Even if you don't want to fight you will be forced to, to protect yourself and others. You may even have family members who are on the "other side" like I suspect I have in my own family.

Killary is still doing her evil magic aided by her brother in arms obama to name just two.

Years ago when I was dying in a hospital I had a "vision" about this country falling. In the vision/delusion, I was talking to the founders who said the reason for the country falling was in the Constitution itself.

I could never understand what that meant until I watched Tucker Carlson talking about 41 out of 56 signers of the Constitution being slave holders. With the recent attacks on monuments of historical people who had been slave holders, it started to make sense.

At least one person is now going after Geo. Washington's statue. How long before they go after the Constitution itself?

This country was founded as an experiment and was doomed to fail from the start. I just never thought it would be in my lifetime. It hasn't totally fallen quite yet and I am old enough now to rather die than see that.

These misguided people do not know what will be released when they are successful in destroying our country. They think they will be victorious but they too will be destroyed.

Anonymous said...

Mark everyone's words on the removals being so wrong! This action brings to mind the repeat of history, the Stalin Russian Purge, The Nazi purge of race and religion, the Cambodian Purge etc. And now it has started here in America! They start with one cause so now where does it end? Answer is it does not end, these minority groups will keep demanding removals til we all are wearing the same clothes and we all are speaking and thing the "right" way!!

USMCRetired said...

We are witnessing the evolution of the new "world order" eliminating and erasing traditions, history, and anything that the liberals decide are not with their teachings and philosophy. This is the beginning of the loss of rights and free speech granted in the bill of rights. We have allowed our leaders (politicians) to sieze control and move our country into a socialist country, controlled by the leaders. You will soon see book burnings and other intrusive acts of reindoctrination of our country and society. Do not be fooled by this lunacy and power grab.

Anonymous said...

Aka Soros Obama Cnn.

Anonymous said...

While we are watching that eclipse next week, they will be tearing down more monuments and signs like the one on the courthouse lawn.

Anonymous said...

They call everyone racist but the only people protesting were white...The snowflake liberals have stolen racism from blacks and using it to further their agenda.

Anonymous said...

They are empowered now they will go after guns next.

Anonymous said...

Hey 1202 - we still have to get to next week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said... are SO CORRECT!!!! Look at the pretty colors color in your adult coloring books and take your pills.

Anonymous said...

Baltimore is pretty good at removing things at night. Colts

Anonymous said...

So true

Anonymous said...

Baltimore = A Dump / A Slum